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Personal Injury
One of the areas our firm is best known for is personal injury. Our dedicated and accomplished attorneys have helped defendants in hundreds of cases involving car, motorcycle, bicycle and pedestrian accidents in the greater Denver metro area and in South Carolina.
Each case is special to us, that’s why we have designed specific strategies and formed a qualified team to help you every step of the way. Don’t delay obtaining the benefits you deserve. Our experience covers:
Car accidents such as head-on collisions, single- or multi-vehicle accidents, rear-end collisions, drunk driving, distracted driving, texting while driving, hit and run;
Truck or bus accidents;
Motorcycle crashes;
ATV and RV accidents;
Bicycle accidents caused by riding against traffic, exiting from a private drive or alley, right or left turns, being ‘doored’, running stop signs and lights;
Pedestrian accidents arising from jaywalking, failing to use crosswalks appropriately, crossing a highway, backing vehicles, and more.

In Colorado, the statute of limitations to file a claim for nonfatal auto accidents is three years but only two years if it’s a wrongful death case where a loved one has lost his or her life as a result of an accident. The law requires that certain steps be taken as soon as possible after the accident. That’s where our experienced staff comes in. Once you contact us, we make sure all of the elements are in place to file your claim so you won’t be barred from receiving compensation.
In some cases, the victim is also partially at fault for the accident, such as a pedestrian being hit by a driver when crossing the street while intoxicated. Colorado does take that into account under its “modified comparative fault” rule, and so does South Carolina under a similar rule called “modified comparative negligence” rule, but that doesn’t mean you can’t recover damages.
Some insurance companies refuse to pay or they engage in bad faith tactics such as delaying investigation or payment of a claim, refusing a claim without giving a reason, offering less money than your claim is worth or misrepresenting the law, but don’t worry, we have a plan for that too. Our office has decades of experience in identifying such tactics and acting accordingly.
When evaluating a potential personal injury claim, whether in Colorado or South Carolina, we offer you an honest and knowledgeable opinion about how we can help. This help includes but is not limited to:
Assessing the claim and representing your interests when negotiating with the insurance company or companies of the parties at fault for a settlement outside of court.
Gathering records such as police reports, motor vehicle history and driving records.
Preparing documents related to the accident and necessary for obtaining the compensation you deserve such as demand letters.
Reviewing medical records and bills and any documentation relating to car repairs, lost wages, impairment of your quality of life, testimonies of emotional stress, and any other physical and emotional trauma.
Contacting witnesses and recording their statements.
Preparing for filing a lawsuit, if necessary, although the percentage of cases that actually go to trial is very small.
Filing the proper forms in a timely manner with the courts.
Representing you through all the phases of your case such as discovery, mediation, trial and appeal.
If you’re still wondering whether you require the advice and assistance of an attorney in your personal injury case, contact our office at 844-534-2551 or info@jenkins-esquivel.com for an initial no-strings-attached assessment and/or consultation.
South Carolina Office